Friday, October 30, 2009

Sunny days of fall

I've been thinking a lot lately about how much emphasis we, as Christians, put on numbers...i.e. numbers of people. We have recently gotten a new pastor at our church and it almost seems sometimes that his primary focus is increasing the numbers in our church. It is a rather small church but I have always been of the opinion that number of people does not constitute a good or bad church. It is sad to me that so many people focus on bringing more people into their churches without really trying to meet the needs of the people who are in the church already. I think we need a yearning for spiritual maturity in our churches. Not to say that I am against growing in numbers or even that I don't think it can be good, but rather that I am afraid of a trend that focuses on bringing in larger numbers of people without meeting the spiritual needs of those same people. We are in danger as a Christian community when our success is measured by a number. I pray that we will learn to grow in maturity even as we seek to grow in number.