Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Its funny how God works!

So the other day I was checking out Kijiji and found an ad for an exercise bike for sale. It seemed interesting and so I emailed the guy. We are wanting to go on a weekend bike trip in May so I thought it would be a good idea to get an exercise bike to train during the snowy/icy months. So he replied and sent me his phone number. I didn't do anything about it for a few days and then last night Nathan and I were talking about it and wondered if it would still be there so I said well you may as well call. It probably won't be available still because its been a few days and it was pretty cheap but may as well try. So he called. And within an hour we had a new exercise bike. But the really funny part about this strangely uninteresting story was that the guy needs some drywall taping done and has a bunch of rental properties that will need work and knows a whole bunch of people who need work done potentially. So we spent $50 on an used exercise bike that we didn't really even want until a week and a half ago and made a really significant contact for work. Maybe I'm the only one who sees this but it just seems crazy that we just randomly find this ad and the bike is still there when we call later and the guy might be able to get us a bunch of work! God is good! He works things out for us in ways I can not fathom! I mean we don't have any work from him yet but its a contact anyway. Unfortunately I still have not found my wallet which is slightly stressful. I keep praying that God will bring it back to me but so far no sign of it. Its not the end of the world but I would feel better if I knew where it was! Anyway, just wanted to encourage you all that God is watching out for us and He will bring things to fruition in our lives at just the right time for our maximum benefit. Keep your chin up! =)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Great Escape!

Guess what movie I watched recently?! =) Seriously though, I was thinking about the title and realized that it would be a good title for the Christian life as well. We have been part of the greatest escape of all time! Through Christ we have been saved from a more horrible prison than any that man could create. Thank God for our Great Escape! We have been blessed more abundantly than we deserve and we owe God our very breath and life. Praise God!